10 Simple Strategies to Stay Healthy During the Monsoon Season

The monsoon season is like the divine help that cools down the scorched earth and gives moments of relief to its inhabitants. Some of the best memories of your childhood might be in the monsoon season! When the rain fell on earth, finally saving you from the terribly hot nights of uneasiness and sweat, you would run into the fresh shower of the early rainfall and feel the tiny cool droplets on your face. As you relish the moments and decide to stay there forever, you hear the commanding voice of your mama to get back into the house. “It is the first rain of the season, do you want to get a fever?” you hear her angry voice as you silently retreat back to your house. But that’s not the entire story! Monsoon season is also the season of different kinds of diseases, especially for the careless.

So, how will you enjoy these tropical showers while saving yourself from infections? Today, we bring to you some of the health tips for the monsoon season.

Knowing how to stay healthy during monsoon season is wise and should be known by everyone. So, let’s dive into these health tips for the rainy season to keep your family jolly, healthy and protected.

What are some Most Common Monsoon Illnesses?

The rejuvenating beautiful monsoons are not without their dangers! In fact, the season is quite notorious for the myriad of infections and illnesses it can cause. Let’s learn about some of the common diseases of the monsoon. Proper knowledge of these diseases is the first step in the rainy season precautions list. Let’s get to know the enemies to better fight it:

  • Dengue and Malaria: Dengue and Malaria are the two most dreaded diseases born out of stagnant water in the monsoon. These mosquito-borne illnesses occur when the stagnant water serves as a breeding ground for them. Both cause fever and if the condition is left untreated it can be fatal.
  • Cholera and Typhoid: The monsoon rains sweep the ground of all the dirt (& even excreta!) and usually find their way to the nearest water bodies. Consuming water from such sources usually gives rise to many problems. The two most prominent of the diseases are typhoid and cholera. Both cause stomach-related problems like diarrhoea in the case of Cholera and constipation in the case of typhoid and can be fatal if left untreated.
  • Viral Infections: A common visitor in every household during the monsoon time is Mr. Flu! Whoever comes in contact with his cold clammy hands experiences fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhoea. This is an infectious disease that easily spreads to crowded places by close contact.

Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy and Safe During Monsoon

You have to follow a few simple mantras to stay healthy during the monsoons. Here are some health tips for the rainy season that you must follow. Read on to know more:

  1. Drink Clean Water: The monsoon rain often leads to water-logged conditions in places with poor drainage. Such places have a chance of having contamination of drinkable water sources. To save yourself you must drink boiled water and must avoid water from unreliable sources. Having water from the RO machines or the Aquaguard is highly recommended.
  2. Maintain Proper Hygiene: Wash your hands daily with soap, specifically before and after eating. Practise this and encourage your family members to do this, especially the kids.
  3. Avoid Street Food: The problem with street food is that they are often made with questionable sanitation practices. Now that can be harmful any time of the year, then why avoid it specifically during the monsoons? Well, at times these food items are cooked with contaminated water that can cause gastric infections. Strictly have homemade food during this time and wash all the ingredients before cooking.
  4. Use Mosquito Repellents: Dengue and Malaria are common during the monsoon season. Therefore, protect your household with mosquito repellents, coils, and nets. Try wearing long-sleeved clothes and keeping the windows shut during the peak times of mosquito attacks.
  5. Keep Your Surroundings Clean: Maintain cleanliness inside and outside of your house. Make sure that there is no stagnant body of water near your house. You must clean and cover water storage containers at regular intervals.
  6. Eat a Balanced Diet: A good way to counter monsoon diseases is by strengthening one’s immune system. Try out the seasonal veggies and fruits that can upregulate your immunity.
  7. Try staying Dry: Try to always keep your umbrella and rainfall handy to escape the untimely showers. If you ever get drenched outdoors, make sure to change your clothes as soon as possible.
  8. Regular exercises: Exercises boost immunity and keep you healthy. Therefore, you must exercise daily. If the rain stops you from hitting the gym, try out some home workouts, stretches and yoga. This will help you stay active all day long.
  9. Disinfect Surfaces: Daily clean the most commonly touched surfaces with disinfectants. This could be the doorknobs, table surface or your mobile phone screen. This lowers the chances of the spread of infections.
  10. Consult a Doctor: Run to a doctor as soon as anyone shows the early symptoms of any disease. Proper medicine and care should be enough to combat most monsoon-related diseases.

The monsoon season, with its unique charm, requires us to be extra cautious about our health. By following these health tips for the rainy season, you can enjoy the rains while keeping illnesses at bay. Being proactive and adopting these rainy season precautions will safeguard both you and your family. Remember, simple steps can make a big difference!  Prevention is always better than cure

We at Kangaroo Kids International Preschool employ experienced teaching staff who teach your kids all about health and hygiene. It helps promote holistic growth in them. To learn more about our curriculum, contact us today.