12 Fun Ball Games for Kids: Keeping the Fun Rolling

Games are not only about play; they are about a lot of fun, laughter, and teamwork as well! And when it’s something to do with balls, it’s a match made in heaven for kids. Be it for bouncing, kicking, or catching; balls are fun tools for gross motor activities. Want to know what you can do with balls?

In this blog, we’ll explore 12 fun ball games that promise to keep the kids entertained and active. From classic to inventive, these games are for any and every occasion. So, let toddlers grab their play balls and have fun!

  1. Bouncing Bonanza
  2. All you need is a large, bouncy ball and a wide space. Gather the kids in a circle. Make them take turns bouncing the ball in the centre. Then, let the rest try to catch it. Let the fun begin with this classic ball game for kids! Excitement stays as the one who catches it gets to bounce next. It’s a simple and entertaining game that brings giggles. And bonus! It improves hand-eye coordination and reflexes. Learning made fun, right?

  3. Kickball
  4. It combines the thrill of soccer with the simplicity of kicking a ball. Set up bases in an open field, decide a pitcher, and let the kicking begin! Kids take turns kicking the ball and running around the bases. Here, they aim to score points for their team. So, it’s a fantastic way to promote teamwork and strategic thinking.

  5. Dodgeball
  6. Divide the players into two teams. Place a boundary line in the middle. Each team’s goal is to remove players from the opposing team. How? By hitting the players with a ball below the shoulders. The last team standing will win! It involves agility and quick thinking, making it a teaching ball game for kids. In all, dodgeball promotes spatial awareness and cooperation among players. But remember to convey that ducking and diving are essential survival skills! 

  7. Catch Me if You Can
  8. Who doesn’t love a game of catch? It’s simple, and it’s guaranteed fun for kids. Pair up the kids. Then, equip them with a soft and lightweight ball. One player throws the ball while the other tries to catch it. To make it interesting, let them stay close and increase the distance gradually. This will add a challenge, making it more interesting. This game promotes hand-eye coordination and trust between partners. It’s a classic ball game that never gets old.

  9. Basketball
  10. Set up a hoop at the desired height. Then, let the kids showcase their shooting skills. Let the kid play solo or make a friendly game of HORSE. This is a fantastic way to improve the motor skills and balance of the toddler. Plus, it teaches perseverance and sportsmanship.

  11. Bowling Bash
  12. Transform your backyard into a bowling alley! Set up empty plastic bottles or makeshift pins at one end. Then, at the other end, make a throwing line for the players. Each child will take turns rolling the ball toward the pins. The fun challenge is to knock down as many as possible. This creates a thrill while developing hand-eye coordination and precision.

  13. Volleyball
  14. Volleyball is a ball game that kids can enjoy both indoors and outdoors. Set up a net in the middle. Divide the players into two teams and let the kids volley the ball over the net. The fun challenge is to prevent the ball from touching the ground on their side. With every bump, set, and spike, the adrenaline rushes! Along with having fun, kids develop communication skills, teamwork, and reflexes. It’s a high-energy game that holds excitement from start to finish.

  15. Tennis
  16. Set up a makeshift court using chalk or cones. Then, hand the child a racket and tennis ball. Rallying back and forth and playing a friendly match, tennis offers a fun time. It also gives endless opportunities for skill development, like teamwork, communication, and coordination. Plus, it’s a great way to instill a love for the sport from a young age.

  17. Football (h3)
  18. Set up a football showdown in an open space. Let the kids showcase their dribbling, passing, and shooting skills. Play it as a casual game. Foster teamwork and physical fitness, all with one game. It’s a ball game that transcends borders and brings people together through the love of the beautiful game.

  19. Obstacle Course Challenge
  20. Combine the thrill of ball games with unforgettable adventures! Set up sequential obstacles such as cones, hoops, and hurdles. Then, challenge the kids to navigate while rolling a ball with them. It’s an interactive way to promote agility and problem-solving skills. 

  21. Water Balloon Volley
  22. Beat the laziness with this refreshing twist! Fill up water balloons and use them as makeshift volleyballs. The goal remains the same as volleyball. Keep the balloon in the air and prevent it from touching the ground on your side! It’s a way to cool off on a hot summer day with fun.

  23. Colour Ball Relay
  24. Inject a splash of colour into classic relay races! This vibrant ball game for kids divides players into many teams. Then assign a different coloured ball to each of them. That’s it! Set up a relay course with markers. Have the teams race to retrieve their designated balls and bring them back. This game promotes teamwork and friendly competition, all while adding an extra element of excitement with colour balls for kids.

In all, ball games for kids are more than just play. You can’t deny that kids playing ball look the happiest. They open an arena for learning, growth, and endless fun. These games offer valuable lessons in coordination and sportsmanship!

We at Kangaroo Kids International Preschool help your kids learn through fun game activities. To learn more, contact us today!