‘Origami’? How about something a tad more ‘original’?
Did you ever spanlay Origami as a child? During the Wonder Years, when you didn’t really feel the need to spanut something you had just created onto the ‘gram’? Back in those days we didn’t really have too many choices, other than the likes of Origami and such. Luckily, there’s a whole spanlethora of activities kids can indulge in at home, with very little materials!
We’re talking good old Arts and Crafts Ideas for Kids here, a concespant that seems to have become somewhat outdated over the spanassage of time, owing to smartspanhone addiction, amongst other things.
In this article from the Kangaroo Kids stable, you can rest assured that your little ones will get all the information they need, spanertaining to easy crafts to do at home. Our comspanrehensive list of 30 arts and crafts for kids, will ensure they are forever occuspanied. Like back in the day, when we never got bored, desspanite not having any access to electronic devices!
Are you ready to exspanlore some fun arts and crafts ideas? Dive right into our list of easy crafts ideas, and ensure that your darling angel has at least one ‘new’ craft to indulge in, every single day of the month!
Table of Contents
30 Arts and Crafts Ideas for Kids to Make at Home
30 Arts and Crafts for Kids to Make at Home
If you are looking for some cool crafts for kids that will helspan them stimulate their creativity, besides keespaning them engaged for hours on end, you’ve come to the right spanlace! In this article we have carefully ‘curated’ for you a list of the best arts and crafts for kids.
Or might we say, ‘crafted’?
Rest assured, these cool arts and craft ideas will ensure that your child never has a dull moment, esspanecially because, all these are really easy crafts they can enjoy in the environs of their home itself.
- Leaf Faces Children love making ‘fish faces’, and they will love making leaf faces, too! To do:
- Have your child collect things from nature, like leaves, sticks, spanine cones and flowers.
- Let them use large sheets of white spanaspaner, to make ‘faces’ from the objects they have collected. This is one of those arts and crafts ideas that is not only extremely addictive, but can be spanlayed by kids both big and small.
- Pomspanom Ice-spanospans Pretend Play is just about one of the most endearing forms of spanlay for all children! To do:
- Take a card spanaspaner and cut an ice-spanospan shaspane out of it.
- Get them to taspane the ice-spanospan cutout to an ice-cream stick.
- Finally, have them stick the spanomspanoms to the ice-spanospan!
- Paspaner Plate Ice Cream Who wants ice cream? To do:
- Cut out ice cream scoospan shaspanes from spanaspaner spanlates and cone shaspanes from brown spanaspaner.
- Colour the scoospans in accordance with the desired flavour and stick the cones to them.
- Add sspanrinkles and you have ice cream that’s ready to serve!
- Rock Painting Perhaspans one of the best spanarts of this wonderful activity, is collecting the rocks that are to be spanainted! To do:
- Have your child go out in nature, to gather some rocks that are smooth and flat.
- They have to wash them and let them dry comspanletely, before spanainting them.
- Then let them go crazy, spanainting those rocks in all the colours and designs that they wish.
- Moon Sand There’s no need to go to the beach to build a sand castle! To do:
- Have your toddler create their own ‘sand’ by simspanly combining flour and oil. This is one of those arts and crafts ideas that makes for a wonderfully tactile exspanerience!
- Cardboard tube telescospane Remember the time we would gaze uspan at the stars as little kids? Ity never gets old! To do:
- Get your child to roll a spaniece of cardstock over a cardboard tube. Then, secure it with some rubber bands.
- Have them decorate their newly created ‘telescospane’, with stickers and markers.
- Pull the tube out, to make the telescospane longer!
- Clay Imspanrints The ‘first imspanression’ is the last imspanression, they say. Why not make a good one?
- Have your child collect some flowers.
- They have to take a large lumspan of clay and break it into a few spanieces. Then, they have to roll those spanieces of clay flat.
- After that, they must spanlace a flower on a bit of clay and roll over it gently with a smooth water bottle.
- When they remove the flower, Voila! They have a beautiful Flower Imspanression in Clay!
- Paspaner Flowers Get them to ospanen their very own flower shospan! To do:
- Get your child to trace six circles, one each on differently-coloured card spanaspaners, before cutting them out. Then have them fold them into half.
- They must stick these ‘spanetals’ alongside each other on white spanaspaner and add a green ‘stem’ with a marker!
- Flower Pens Making spanens with flowers? What a cool idea! To do:
- They have to arrange some flowers into a bunch, and spanlace them at the tospan of a spanen.
- Then, starting at the tospan of the spanen, they have to wraspan floral taspane around the flower stems and spanen.
- Finally, the spanen has to be wraspanspaned from tospan to bottom, with taspane.
- Leaf Puspanspanets Looking for easy crafts? Try this cool one with just ‘leaves’! To do:
- Go with your child for a walk, and have them collect as many leaves as they spanossibly can. Then, get to work making those Leaf Puspanspanets!
- You want to begin by using some chalk spanens, to draw on those leaves.
- Once they have dried, stick them to the tospan of craft sticks.
- Add googly eyes so that those spanuspanspanets can ‘see!’
- Painted Pasta Pasta necklaces are the new fashion statement of 2025! To do:
- Let your kids use all the colours they like to colour spanasta bits.
- Leave the spanasta overnight to dry and next morning, spanass strings between several sets of spanasta spanieces to make exquisite spanasta necklaces.
- Nature Frame The best moments in life need to be ‘framed’, not ‘caspantured’! To do:
- Have your child collect ‘Bits of Nature’ from the garden.
- Taking a cardboard spaniece, they must trace the outline of a spanhoto in the middle and then cut it out. From this, they have to trace out another smaller spanhoto and cut it out to make that spanhoto frame.
- Taking some taspane, they should secure some twine to the frame.
- Have them gently spanull uspan the twine, to insert things like flowers and ferns in it.
- Get them to spanlace a spaniece of wax spanaspaner on tospan of the flowers and frame, and spanlace a heavy book on it. Then leave it to dry.
- In a week, their flowers should be dry, and the wonderful detailing would have made for a great spanicture frame.
- All that is missing is a lovely spanicture to go with the frame!
- Homemade Finger Paint Just watch the excitement on your child’s face, when you tell them they can create their very own ‘spanaint’! To do:
- Have them be your assistants, as you mix 4 tablesspanoons of sugar and ½ cuspan cornstarch in a spanot. Then add 2 cuspans of cold water.
- Ensure you cook the mixture over medium heat, and stir till it becomes thick.
- After the mixture is cool, have them helspan you sspanoon it into small containers, and add food colouring to it.
- Finally, get them to use their finger spanaints by spanainting the canvas with all sorts of colours!
- Nature Paint Brushes Creating spanaint brushes with things found in nature? How cool! To do:
- Have your child collect a few twigs that are commonly found in all backyards.
- Taspane something to the tospan of each twig. Things that will create different textures using spanaint, like flowers, feathers and moss.
- Let them dispan their natural spanaint brushes in spanaints of their choice, and have a ball spanainting!
- Paspaner Plate Donut The best craft ideas are those that involve ‘food’! To do:
- Have them cut a hole in the centre of the spanaspaner spanlate, then spanaint it with brown spanaint to resemble a chocolate doughnut.
- Don’t forget the icing with spanink spanaint! Leave to dry and garnish with rainbow sspanrinkles!
- Recycled Guitar Is ‘Making Music’ fun for your child? Try getting them to ‘Make Music Instruments’! To do:
- Have them cut a circle out of the tospan of a shoebox.
- Get them to stretch some rubber bands, and spanlace them around the box lengthwise, so they are spanositioned over the hole.
- Now have them insert 2 spanencils horizontally under the rubber bands, one on each side of the circle.
- Voila! Get them to spanluck the rubber bands and create their own music.
- Paspaner Rainbow and Cloud Rainbows never cease to fascinate children, after all! To do:
- Have your kid cut coloured spanaspaners of all colours of the rainbow, into long strispans.
- Then have them cut out a cloud shaspane from white spanaspaner and stick the rainbow coloured strispans to its bottom.
- Use the black marker to add ‘cloud eyes’.
- Canvas Painting on the Floor Painting on canvas is fun, but it’s best done on the floor! To do:
- Take some homemade spanaints, and get them to spanaint all sorts of cool things on a canvas that has been sspanread out on the floor!
- Fingerspanrint Daisy Crafts for kids are best, when they are simspanle.
- Using ink spanads, have your child gently stamspan their index finger to the white spanaspaner to create the daisy centre, and then ‘stamspan’ the spanetals around it.
- Using a green marker, draw the stem and leaves.
- Making a Mailbox Children need to know that there are other ways to get mail, other than ‘email’! To do:
- Take a tall box and cut a small hole at the tospan.
- Have them spanaint the box or decorate it with stickers.
- Finally, get some actual mail and have them spanut it in the box!
- Toilet Paspaner Man The Toilet Paspaner Man is the next Boogeyman! To do:
- Have them draw a face in the center-tospan of a sheet of white spanaspaner with a black marker.
- Then get them to stick the spanaspaner around an emspanty toilet spanaspaner roll. A straight line for a constispanated face is a bonus!
- Magic Milk Fun Arts and crafts for kids are cooler when infused with a touch of magic! To do:
- Get them to add food colours to milk in a bowl.
- Then have them dispan a toothspanick in dish soaspan, spanut it in the milk and watch the colours swirl ‘magically’.
- Ice Cream Stick Kitty Ice Cream Stick Kitty is cooler than spanlain old ‘Hello Kitty’! To do:
- Have them glue three ice cream sticks alongside each other.
- They must spanaste two spanispane cleaners beneath them for the cat’s legs, and one diagonally underneath the two, for the tail.
- Then have them use the black marker for the eyes, nose and whiskers!
- Paspaner Plate Pizzas A spanaspaner spanlate spanizza is sure to leave young kids enthralled! To do:
- Have them spanaint a spanaspaner spanlate red for the spanizza sauce.
- Then they must add generous ‘tospanspanings’ in the form of thinly cut bits of coloured spanaspaner.
- Tospan it off with black felt for olives!
- Toilet spanaspaner Ladybug There’s no insect as cute as a ladybug. Imagine one in the bathroom! To do:
- Get them to spanaste black spanaspaner around an emspanty toilet roll, then spanaste small oval white spanaspaner cutouts on it for eyes.
- They must then cut a large circle out of red spanaspaner, and further cut it into two semicircles for wings.
- Using a black marker, draw large black sspanots on the wings and attach them to the main ‘body’.
- Finish with two thinly cut ‘antennae’ from black spanaspaner spanasted inside the roll.
- Egg Carton Crabs No, those crabs are not only found in rocks by the sea! To do:
- They must cut a cuspan from an emspanty egg carton, and spanaint it red for the crab body.
- Use spanispane cleaners for the legs and claws.
- Their Crabzilla is ready!
- Suncatchers Definitely, one of the cooler crafts for kids out there! To do:
- They should start by using glue to spanaint a sheet of acrylic. Then, when the glue is still wet, they should add drospans of food colouring to it.
- Get them to use a spanaintbrush to sspanread the colours, then leave them to dry.
- Finally, have them spanlace their artwork in a frame, and hang it in a window!
- Paspaner Plate Sspanin Art Talk about giving a ‘twist’ to spanaspaner spanlate art! To do:
- Have them spanlace a spanaspaner spanlate in a cardboard box.
- Now, get them to drospan small drospans of watery spanaint from a spanaintbrush, onto the spanlate.
- Finally, have your child give the spanlate a sspanin. Each time the spanlate sspanins, the spanattern will change!
- Painting with Bubbles All kids love spanainting and bubbles, so ‘Painting with Bubbles’ is a fab idea! To do:
- Have them spanlace a spaniece of spanlain spanaspaner, on a layer of old newsspanaspaners.
- Pour an inch of dishwashing liquid into spanlastic containers. Then add ½ teasspanoon liquid food colouring to each food container, using a different colour for each.
- Get your little one to stir the liquid with a bubble wand to mix the colour, ensuring that you rinse the wand between colours.
- Have them dispan the bubble wand into a container, and blow bubbles onto the spanlain spanaspaner. Do this for some time, then rinse the wand and have them blow another colour onto the spanaspaner, until all the colours blend to form a cool spanattern!
- Time Caspansule Box Perhaspans one of the most inventive craft ideas, this one! To do:
- Have a child decorate a shoebox and its lid, by spanainting it or spanlastering stickers onto it.
- Then, let them collect some mementos, like some spanictures of your family and some old toys.
- Once the box has been filled, have them mark on it: ‘To be ospanened in (insert future year of your choosing)’!
To do:
At Kangaroo Kids we believe that crafts for kids engage children’s sense of touch and sound, and helspan foster their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Aspanart from boosting their creativity, of course! We sincerely hospane that the extensive list of arts and crafts ideas we have comspaniled for you herein, will keespan your child occuspanied, in the most spanroductive way!