Everything You Need to Know About Moral Development of Preschoolers

Children are like clay that can be moulded. And moral values are the essentials that are to be seeded in children. It is the foundation of behaviours that should be instilled in children from a young age. And as children grow the moral values they are instilled with reflect how they behave with others.

We as parents are quite concerned about our children in every single thing they do. The most important quality we are bothered to plant in them is their moral development. It is something that is to be learned at a young age. Moral development in early childhood is extremely important. As the verse in the Bible says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”, it is wise to instil in them from an early age.

What is moral development?

A moral development is a concept that helps to determine between the right and wrong. It is a behaviour, a thought, or a feeling to treat others in the right way. The judgement between one’s thoughts and actions can reveal the moral values they possess. Moral development influences how a person behaves, and how he/ she interacts and makes decisions. It is a lifelong process that evolves with age. It can be influenced by numerous factors. These factors include family influence, social interactions, cultural factors, and education. It takes time and effort to implant moral values in children. But it can be fast-tracked by integrating tools, strategies, and support from parents and schools.

Need for Moral Development in Childhood

While some may question the need for moral development in early childhood. But taking into account that it is the fundamental principle of a person. The foundation of moral development is laid in toddlers and preschoolers to make them socially responsible. To navigate their choices and ethical conduct in their adulthood. It is a crucial aspect of overall development. It influences how children perceive, interpret, and interact with the world around them. Let’s discuss the need for moral development in childhood:

  1. Core for future behaviour:
  2. An early moral development leads to ethical behaviour in adulthood. The moral core values of preschoolers’ development will guide their decisions and actions throughout life.

  3. Social Functioning:
  4. Morally developed toddlers and preschoolers are better fit to function as responsible people. They have a good understanding of moral values. Values such as respect, honesty, fairness, empathy, etc. for everyone.

  5. Cognitive Development:
  6. Children learn to solve their moral and social problems. They will tend to visualise things from a more moral perspective. And their critical thinking would involve moral reasoning.

  7. Emotional Development: Toddlers and preschoolers
  8. when being taught moral values, understand the feelings of others, making them compassionate. And can regulate their emotions and behaviours better.

  9. Preventing Negative Behaviour:
  10. Children with strong moral values are less likely to engage in harmful behaviour. They are better at handling negativity.

  11. Personal Decency:
  12. Moral development in early childhood teaches self-respect and integrity. These are key for their self-esteem and personal growth. They become more trustworthy and reliable.

  13. Cultural Awareness:
  14. Morality helps to respect and understand the diversity among peers. Appreciating differences develops responsibility in preschoolers’ development.

Promoting Character Building in Childhood Education: A foothold

Moral Values are the key to building relationships and socialising. Installing moral values in early childhood can help them become sorted and compassionate adults. These values can be installed in early education. Several strategies can be deployed in the curriculum for children. It helps to make them a better person from an early age. Discussions about emotions, their triggers, and their responses to them can build up their emotional literacy. Apart from these, role-plays can be an effective way. It helps them understand different emotions and empathy. Let’s discuss some points for character building in the education curriculum:

  1. Create a Positive School Environment:
  2. Establishing an environment that respects diversity promotes justice and value for each child.

  3. Supporting Positive Behaviour:
  4. Acknowledging and praising positive behaviour reinforces a good character. Children learn acts of kindness, integrity, and responsibility. Children tend to imitate adults. Hence adults need to serve as an example to be positive in situations.

  5. Incorporating Social justice topics:
  6. Including topics related to justice and equality. It is one such way to make them understand standing against unfair practices and inequality. Using stories and books can help them differentiate between fairness and equality.

  7. Teaching Conflict Resolution Skills:
  8. Role-plays are the best activity to help understand social situations. Positive thinking and resolving conflicts are skills to be taught.

  9. Encourage Reflective Thinking:
  10. Children need to be taught about how they reflect on their actions. It is a personal growth quality that promotes self-awareness.

  11. Fostering Responsibility:
  12. Assigning responsibility and teaching accountability is a value in itself. It makes them self-disciplined. Children learn to be responsible for their actions. Making them learn the impact of responsible and irresponsible behaviour can help a lot.

Promoting character building in childhood education provides a foothold for developing well-rounded individuals. It makes them capable of making ethical decisions. Along with empathy and contributing positively to society. By introducing character education into the curriculum it is easier to model positive behaviour. It would create a supportive environment and encourage reflective thinking. And parents along with schools can lay the groundwork for strong moral development in preschoolers.

At Kangaroo Kids International Preschool we focus on executing the moral development of children. We understand the need to instil moral values from a young age to raise a responsible adult. And we cultivate a child’s need for early-age discipline and moral behaviour. Enrol your child with us to be part of their journey towards discipline and moral development.