A Quick Guide to Essential Minerals & Vitamins for Kids

Ever wondered why your child gets tired after playing all the time or exactly how come some foods offer a lot more power than others? Everything comes down to small superheroes called minerals and vitamins! These minerals and vitamins for growth function inside your child’s body to keep them strong, and healthy as well as loaded with power for all their adventures.

This article will discuss what minerals and vitamins are, why they’re vital plus- the very best part- where to discover them in scrumptious foods your child already loves. So, get ready to learn the right minerals and vitamins for kids below.

Importance of Minerals & Vitamins for Kids

Vitamins & minerals help in the smooth functioning of the body. These are extremely important for your child for:

  • Building strong bones and teeth
  • Staying energized
  • Strong immunity & nervous system
  • Healthy skin & vision
  • Proper growth and development

Essential Vitamins for Kids

There are many types of vitamins that perform different functions and play an important role in keeping your child healthy.

The table shows their functions and in which food item you’ll get them from:




Vitamin A

Supports vision, healthy and balanced skin and immunity

Orange-coloured fruits, and veggies (carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes)

Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12)

Convert food to energy, support mind function and nervous system

Whole grains, beans, fish, leafy green veggies

Vitamin C

Helps recover injuries, maintains teeth as well as gums strong,  fights off cold

Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemons), strawberries, kiwis, red peppers

Vitamin D

Aids calcium absorption for solid bones and teeth

Sunlight (with guidance) oily fish, fortified milk.

Vitamin K

Important for blood clotting and also bone health & wellness

Leafy green veggies (spinach, kale), fruits (kiwi).

These vitamins for kids are found in daily food items. However, kids are picky eaters.  Sometimes, making them eat fruits & vegetables can be a task. This is where your presentation matters.

A visually appealing plate works wonders when it comes to kids. Here are some ways you can try to make them eat vitamins for growth easily:

  • Blend your child’s favourite fruits (like berries or bananas) with yoghurt.
  • Cut fruits and vegetables into fun shapes using cookie cutters.
  • Create a sticker chart or reward system for taking vitamins consistently.

Essential Minerals for Kids

Along with vitamins for kids, minerals also play an important role in keeping the body fit and healthy. The list of essential minerals that your kid needs includes:





Builds solid bones as well as teeth.

Dairy items (milk, cheese, natural yoghurt), green leafy- veggies like broccoli, & kale.


Carries oxygen throughout the body for energy.

Lean meats, chicken, fish, beans, lentils, strengthened grains


Sustains healthy and balanced thyroid function and also development.

Iodized salt, fish and seafood


Supports muscle and nerve function.

Maintains bone wellness.

Leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, entire grains


Important for bone health and wellness, energy production

Dairy items, meat, chicken, fish


It helps in managing high blood pressure and muscle function

Fruits (bananas, oranges), vegetables (potatoes)


Preserves liquid equilibrium in the body (vital in small amounts)

Table salt (usage sparingly), refined foods (look out for high levels)


Supports immune system, injury recovery as well as development

Meat, chicken, fish, seafood, beans, nuts, and seeds

Minerals along with the vitamins for kids promote healthy eating! They make strong bones; carry oxygen, plus help muscle function. However, making minerals for kids enjoyable can be a difficult task, but no concerns!

Here are some easy methods to make your child have minerals:

  • Offer fun veggie dips like hummus with sliced peppers.
  • Add a sprinkle of chia seeds to the yoghurt.
  • Blend a handful of spinach or kale into their favourite fruit smoothie.
  • Offer cheese sticks as a snack or add it to their scrambled eggs.

Mineral & Vitamin supplements: Does your Kid require them?

While obtaining minerals and vitamins for kids from a balanced diet is best, there are times when vitamin supplements may be valuable:

  1. Fussy Eaters: If your kid is a picky eater and has a hard time obtaining a selection of healthy foods a multivitamin can help fill up dietary voids.
  2. Health Conditions: Certain wellness problems might call for added vitamins or minerals. Speak to your family doctor if you have any kind of worries.
  3. Limited Sunlight: Vitamin D is generated by the body when exposed to sunlight. If your youngster does not obtain sufficient sunlight, a vitamin D supplement could be advised.

How to choose the right supplements of Vitamins for kids?

  • Talk to your physician first: Discuss if a multivitamin is ideal for your child based on diet regimen and also wellness problems.
  • Age & gender: Look for a multivitamin particularly developed for your child’s age and gender.
  • Check the tag: Aim for 100% Daily Value (DV) of a lot of components however avoid surpassing this for fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and also K.
  • Quality issues: Choose third-party examined brands with USP or NSF International seals for ensured high quality and safety.

Apart from what’s said above, a well-balanced diet plan is the best source of minerals & vitamins for kids!

So, there you have it, the remarkable world of minerals and vitamins for kids.

You will agree that school is the second home for your child. That is why choosing the best one that allows the overall development of your child is a must. Kangaroo Kids International Preschool uses various enjoyable and interesting tasks that can assist your kid enjoy healthy routines & foods!

By making the right choices in terms of school along with loading your child’s plate with nutrition-packed foods, say hello to good health!