Emotion and Feeling Words A to Z: Perfect Guide for Your Kids

Growing up requires having an understanding of emotions. Kids who can recognise and express their emotions are better able to communicate. They can form enduring bonds with others. This article provides a nice and easy-to-read collection of emotional words. It is from A to Z. You will find every word, from happy to sad, in this list. It is given in terms that young children may understand. Children who use this article will be able to identify their feelings. They will be able to understand what they mean and express them verbally. This list of feeling words can help you in finding the right words to express your feelings and teach the same to your kids. Let’s explore the rich world of emotions!

Benefits of Teaching Emotions and Feelings to Kids

Teaching children about emotions and feelings is really helpful. Here are a few main benefits:

  • Build Healthy Relationships – Kids who express their emotions can engage well with others. They can express their wants and feelings. Indeed, emotional growth may have a significant impact on their interactions with others. In turn, this may promote the development of empathy and compassion for others. Kids are better at solving arguments, and working in groups. They can form friendships when they have good emotional communication skills.
  • Handle Difficult Situations – When children learn to express themselves, they gain emotional intelligence. It enables them to recognise and control their emotions. This may be especially useful when kids are feeling stressed, anxious, or disturbed. Children who learn to express themselves are better able to handle stress and become resilient. These are the two important life skills.
  • Better Mental Health – Children who cannot express their feelings may feel many unpleasant emotions. They can have anxiety, despair, and poor self-esteem. Children who can communicate their emotions, on the other hand, are better able to handle their emotions healthily. They are also less likely to use unhealthy coping methods. They will not think of things like drug misuse or self-harm or ignore their feelings.

Feeling Words to Use and Teach

Parents can help their kids build emotional languages by teaching them. It will be the best when they are young. As a result, they can handle relationships and emotions more maturely and sensibly. Here is a collection of feeling words list, arranged from A to Z, to get you started.

  • A

Angry, Annoyed, Afraid, Awkward, Affectionate, Anxious, Alarmed, Awed, Aggravated, Amazed, Astonished, Amused, Apprehensive, Absorbed, Ambivalent, Ashamed, Able, Addled, Admired, Admirable, Affable, Agreeable, Aggressive, Abandoned

  • B

Brave, Bothered, Bewildered, Bitter, Bashful, Blue, Baffled, Blissful, Buoyant, Bereaved, Bold

  • C

Cheerful, Cooperative, Confident, Calm, Cold, Curious, Content, Considerate, Cautious, Cranky, Crestfallen, Contrite, Chagrined, Carefree, Composed, Capable, Caring, Careful, Contemptuous, Cross, Concerned, Complacent, Charitable, Crushed, Cantankerous, Compulsive

  • D

Defiant, Depressed, Discouraged, Delighted, Disgusted, Determined, Disappointed, Detached, Daring, Disillusioned, Devious, Dismayed, Disenchanted, Doleful, Disinterested, Disdainful, Dismissive, Dejected, Disengaged, Distant

  • E

Elated, Enthusiastic, Embarrassed, Edgy, Excited, Envious, Exhausted, Eager, Exuberant, Enraged, Euphoric, Extravagant, Ecstatic, Eager, Emboldened

  • F

Funny, Frightened, Fearful, Furious, Fair, Foolish, Frustrated, Forgiving, Flustered, Fulfilled, Fatigued

  • G

Grouchy, Guilty, Grief-stricken, Generous, Greedy, Grateful, Grumpy, Guarded, Gleeful, Glad, Gloomy, Glum, Gracious, Grateful

  • H

Happy, Humiliated, Hurt, Helpless, Hopeless, Horrified, Hesitant, Humbled, Heartbroken, Hysterical, Hyperactive

  • I

Irritated, Irritable, Interested, Insecure, Impatient, Inspired, Inspiring, Inadequate, Irrational, Ignorant, Indifferent, Irked, Impertinent, Inquisitive, Isolated

  • J

Jealous, Joyful, Joyous, Judgmental, Judged, Jaded, Jocular, Jittery

  • K

Kind, Keen

  • L

Loving, Lonely, Lackluster, Leery, Lethargic, Listless, Lazy

  • M

Mad, Meek, Mean, Miserable, Malevolent, Marvelous, Manipulated, Manipulative, Misunderstood, Mischievous, Mopey, Melodramatic, Moody, Melancholy, Mirthful, Moved, Morose, Manic

  • N

Nice, Naughty, Nasty, Nervous, Neglected, Neglectful, Needy, Needed, Naive, Nonchalant, Nonplussed, Numb

  • O

Overpowered, Overjoyed, Obedient, Obsessive, Obsessed, Offended, Outraged, Overloaded, Overstimulated, Obstinate, Obligated, Optimistic, Open, Open Minded

  • P

Panicked, Panicky, Peaceful, Placid, Playful, Pensive, Puzzled, Powerful, Powerless, Pleased, Petty, Petulant, Preoccupied, Proud, Prideful, Prickly, Petrified, Pressured, Perturbed, Peeved, Passive

  • Q

Quirky, Quarrelsome, Qualified, Quivery, Querulous, Quiet

  • R

Relieved, Relaxed, Resentful, Rattled, Refreshed, Repulsed, Rational, Reasonable, Reasoned, Rebellious, Reluctant, Reassured, Remorseful, Reserved, Rejuvenated, Restless, Rattled

  • S

Sad, Surprised, Silly, Scared, Sorrowful, Serious, Shy, Satisfied, Sensitive, Safe, Stressed, Stubborn, Sarcastic, Spiteful, Scornful, Secure, Serene, Smug, Sociable, Sympathetic, Startled, Satisfied, Sanguine, Skeptical, Sincere

  • T

Thankful, Tearful, Teary, Thoughtful, Tolerant, Tolerated, Trusted, Trusting, Trustworthy, Temperamental, Terrified, Timid, Tired, Tiresome, Troubled, Tickled, Torn, Touched, Threatened, Tender, Tranquil

  • U

Uneasy, Uncertain, Uncomfortable, Unruffled, Unafraid, Useless, Useful, Unimpressed, Unappreciated, Undecided, Unruly, Uptight, Unnerved, Unhappy, Unsteady, Uplifted, Unsure

  • V

Vivacious, Vain, Vibrant, Violent, Valued, Valuable, Vital, Vexed, Volatile, Vulnerable, Victorious, Victimized, Vacant

  • W

Worried, Wary, Weak, Weary, Wistful, Wishful, Willful, Willing, Woeful, Weepy, Whiny, Worn, Whimsical, Warm, Witty, Withdrawn, Worthless, Wronged, Wasted, Worldly

  • Y

Youthful, Yielding, Yearning

  • Z

Zany, Zealous, Zestful

Teaching Children How To Recognise Their Emotions

It’s also important to teach children how to recognise their feelings. Kids need to understand the meaning of each emotion so they can differentiate between them.

  • By asking kids what they are feeling, parents can help them with naming their emotions.
  • Tell the kid how they are feeling, such as “I’m angry,” “I’m happy,” or “I’m sad,”. Use the proper facial expressions to express these emotions. Cues come from expressions and body language.
  • Storytelling works well here, too. Children are exposed to a range of emotions via books such as the Intelli Skills I Am Series. It also helps them develop critical life skills.

It is essential for children’s growth that they understand emotions. This alphabetical list from A to Z words offers kids a useful tool for recognising and expressing their emotions. Children who learn to express their emotions are better able to navigate social situations and make their needs known. With the help of this list, kids may confidently and kindly discuss every aspect of their emotions, laying a foundation for lifetime emotional literacy.

Kangaroo Kids International Preschool nurtures children’s emotional well-being by promoting emotional intelligence via a range of programmes and activities. Your kid can start a journey of emotional development in a nurturing setting with us.