Healthy Eating Tips Parents Must Know for Their Kids

Picture this: Your kid is off on an amazing experience. They’re scaling heights of creative imagination, building castles in the living room and also solving mysteries in the yard. All this expedition calls for energy, right? Much like a superhero requires the right fuel, so does your little traveller. That’s where healthy eating comes in!

But let’s be honest, getting your kid to eat a plate full of broccoli can seem like trying to convince a pirate to give up his treasure. It’s quite a task to include healthy eating habits in your kid’s daily routine but not impossible!

This quick and easy guide will help you with healthy eating tips that will make your kids love healthy food, yes!

Make a Balanced Plate

A balanced diet is the foundation of healthy and balanced eating. Consider it as a colourful treasure map leading your kid in the direction of healthy eating, that their bodies require. Below is what to pack:

  • Fruits & Vegetables: Fruits plus veggies need to be an everyday staple. Kids love colourful things and fruits and vegetables served in the right way make all the difference.
  • They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals and fibre keeping your kid energised and also their immune system solid.
  • Go for at least 5 portions a day–get innovative with fruit skewers, colourful salads, or serving vegetables in their favourite pasta sauce.
  • Whole Grains: Whole grains, like wild rice, quinoa and also whole-wheat bread are great sources of energy. They release their gas gradually, keeping your child full for longer and active throughout the day. Serving it rightly will make your kid enjoy healthy eating. Trust us!
  • Lean Protein: Protein is the foundation for strong muscles and bones. Include lean alternatives like chicken, fish, beans and also lentils in your kid’s diet plan.
  • Healthy and Balanced Fats: Healthy and balanced fats found in avocados and nuts (bear in mind allergic reactions!), together with oily fish, are necessary for mind development as well as keeping your child feeling full.

8 Tips to Making Mealtime an Enjoyable Adventure

Meals with children can sometimes feel like an endless fight. There are methods to transform this and make healthy eating a satisfying experience!

  • Get them involved: Let your kid help you with dish preparation. From cleaning veggies to picking a dish, involving them in the procedure will strengthen your bond plus develop excitement for kids eating food.
  • Welcome creative thinking: Ditch the dull old “meat plus 2 veg” routine! Try fun ideas in the kitchen to make meals more exciting.
  • Lead by example: Children learn what they see. Make healthy and balanced selections for yourself and they’re most likely to do the same. This will make healthy eating a part of their life.
  • Do not force or bribe it: ‘Eat broccoli and then you’ll get an ice cream’ is an old trick which is more harmful than beneficial. Don’t force your kids or encourage healthy eating through these tricks.

If your youngster chooses not to consume a new food, offer it once again another time. Staying patient with kids is crucial!

  • Make them exercise: Do physical activities with them and keep your kid excited by using phrases like:
  • You run so fast, I can hardly keep up!
  • Let’s walk for 10 more minutes to make us stronger.
  • Visual Treat: Use a split plate to visually show the various food groups, making it much easier for your kid to comprehend a well-balanced meal.
  • Right Education: Send them to school where education is not only based on books but practical examples. Listening to comments like: Great choice & I like those, too from a teacher goes a long way!
  • Make it a family affair: Eat dishes with each other as a family whenever feasible. This ensures family bonding with healthy eating.
  • Include them in grocery shopping: Let your kid help you pick healthy and balanced alternatives at the grocery store.

Healthy Eating for Kids: Finding a Balance

We all know that kids and sweets go hand in hand. Yet excessive sugar can cause a range of health issues.

Here’s exactly how to find balance:

  • Limit sweet beverages: Swap sweet soft drinks and juices for water or milk.
  • Make healthy and balanced swaps: Instead of sweet treats, offer fruits with a mix of all-natural yoghurt or homemade fruit kebabs.
  • Occasional treats are all right: Don’t restrict your kid from having desserts entirely. Allow occasional treats, yet maintain portion sizes in check. This will create a perfect balance between healthy eating & wonderful treats.

Fun Ideas to Make Your Kid Eat Healthy Food

Food Type


Fun Ideas


Apples, oranges, grapes, berries

Make a fruit rainbow ‘chaat’ with different coloured fruits!


Broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, peas

Use cookie cutters to cut veggie shapes for sandwiches or wraps.

Make a “mystery dip” with hidden veggies like pureed cauliflower in cheese sauce.

Whole Grains

Brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat bread

Make mini pizzas on whole-wheat bread with healthy toppings.

Let your child choose their favourite whole-grain cereal and add chopped fruit for extra fun & healthy eating sessions.

Lean Protein

Chicken, fish, beans, lentils

Scramble eggs with chopped veggies for a colourful breakfast.

Water & Milk

Water, milk

Infuse water with sliced fruit like cucumber or berries for a refreshing drink.

Freeze milk in fun ice cube trays for a cool additional drink.

Healthy eating behaviours exceed simply what gets on the plate. Foster a long-lasting love for healthy eating options by praising your kid’s efforts when they make healthy choices. Choose a school like Kangaroo Kids that not only teaches your child to eat healthy but also leads by example through fun activities as a routine. This will help in building healthy eating habits for life.