Leak Proof Bag Science Experiment for Kids

Poking holes in a plastic bag filled with water, without spilling a drop?

Forget children, even ‘adults’ will get baffled by the thought!

At Kangaroo Kids we believe that Science Experiments for kids are integral to awakening in them a sense of curiosity about the world around them, in a way like no other. Luckily for you, in this article, we have one such science experiment that will induce a sense of exhilaration in not only your child, but in yourself, too! And all you really need for it, is a bag of water and a few pencils!

Ready to discover this cool Science Experiment that will get your child bragging to their friends that they can do ‘magic’? Join us, as we take you on the journey of uncovering the finer nuances of the Leak Proof Bag Science Experiment for Kids!

Table of Contents

The Leak Proof Bag Science Experiment for Kids

If your kids are into science experiments, you really want to get them to try out this one! All you need to perform this cool experiment that will be sure to have those heads turning wherever you perform it, are the following:

  • Gallon Size Storage bag – the one zip bag variety
  • Water
  • 6 Pencils
  • Towel

The Experiment

Ready to get started, and engineer a bag of water that doesn’t leak? Tell your child to stand by you as you perform the following steps, and watch the look on their faces turn from a sense of plain intrigue, to one of utter awe!

Step 1

  • You want to sharpen the pencils you have.
  • Note: When sharpening them, ensure that they are sharpened ‘to a point’.

Step 2

  • Take the one zip bag and fill it almost to the brim with water, before sealing it well closed.
  • Tell your child to closely observe the bag of water. Then ask them, “What do you think is going to happen, if I insert one of the pencils through the bag?
  • Don’t say anything, when they tell you (in all probability) that of course, the water is going to leak out of the bag when you poke it!

Step 3

  • Now it’s time for the fun part! Take one of the pencils in your hand, and the plastic bag filled with water in the other. Tell your child to pay attention, as you thrust that pencil point in the bag and into the water inside.
  • Watch your child’s face light up in fascination, as none of the water comes flowing out of the bag, as they had erstwhile expected.
  • Perform another variation of the experiment now. Tell your child you’re going to insert yet another pencil through the bag, but this time you’re going to do it over their head! Watch them excitedly squirm as you do so, and then get delighted by the fact that not a single drop of water has fallen onto their heads!

The Leak Proof Bag Experiment for Kids: How it Works

Undoubtedly, you’re the first in line to find out how this utterly amazing science experiment for kids works, right? Well okay, it’s not like we can keep it a secret from you any longer!

How it Works:

The one zip bag that you have used for this experiment, is likely made of a ‘polymer’ called low-density polyethylene. This in essence is a chemical compound that is composed of molecules that are bound together in repeating chains.

Now, what happens when you poke the pencil through the bag of water is this: The molecules in the bag spread apart in order to create that ‘hole’, before sealing themselves once again around the pencil. That is perhaps one of the coolest things that can be seen in science experiments!

Note: Needless to say, when you remove the pencil from the bag, the polymer chains will find it impossible to move everywhere in an attempt to fill the holes, and this is the time the water will escape. Of course, that will be a fun sight to watch for your little one, too!

At Kangaroo Kids we take the education of our children most seriously. We strongly believe that science experiments are about one of the coolest ways out there, to get children to learn the way the world works. It is experiments like the Leak Proof Bag Science Experiment for Kids, that will get your child to be more interested in Science as a whole. So, what are you waiting for? Get that one zip bag and some pencils, and show your child the wonders of the leak proof bag experiment, today itself!