Muscle Relaxation Exercises for Children: Everything to Know

By following a strict study schedule, children can get bored. Sometimes, they want to distract their mind and feel free. For that, it is important to try new things that foster their growth and development. To address this issue, muscle relaxation activity helps kids feel satisfied, calm, and relaxed. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of relaxation exercises along with their meaning, benefits, needs, and much more.

What is a muscle relaxation exercise?

Muscle relaxation exercise is a technique that keeps the mind calm and body relaxed. It reduces stress levels in the body by relaxing each muscle. Through inhaling and exhaling for a while, a person can release physical tension. Moreover, individuals can have a feeling of calmness during the exercise.

What are the benefits of muscle exercise?

Progressive muscle exercise is a relaxation therapy which provides several benefits, such as:

  • Lowers Mental Issues: Muscle therapy can aid in the reduction of stress, depression, and other unpleasant responses that ultimately reduce general mental health problems.
  • Improves Sleep Patterns: With muscle relaxation activity, the mind and body feel calm. As a result, the body moves from an alert state to a comforting state, improving sleeping patterns.
  • Regulates Blood Circulation: Blood flow increases during the muscle relaxation activity. It regulates heart rate, normalizes blood supply, and enhances oxygen consumption.
  • Reduces Pain: Above all, it reduces pain by distracting the mind from grievance, trauma, or any other syndrome. It relaxes all muscle groups, empowering individuals to release built-up tension.

What’s the need for it?

Relaxation is imperative for young minds as well as kids. It enables them to switch off from the pressure of daily routine, boosting their immune system. It alleviates the symptoms of psychological disorders and helps them find mental peace, serenity, and calmness.   

Those who are not involved in this can feel panic, seek other’s help, and even simple tasks get complicated for them.

Is muscle relaxation helpful for children?

No doubt, muscle relaxation is good for children’s health and well-being. It enables kids to be more concentrated and attentive during class lessons. As it manages stress, children will not panic during complicated situations and learn how to tackle situations smartly. Here are the following points that denote its magic.

  • Strengthens muscles
  • Improves sleep
  • Relieves stress
  • Enhances Immune system
  • Upgrades concentration
  • Boosts confidence
  • Fights against infection and illness

Relaxation Exercises for Kids

Like an adult person, it’s easy for children to get troubled by overthinking and stress. They can be stuck in many problems, which seems the biggest issue for them. To make kids more resilient, they need to become habitual in relaxation exercises. Here are the ways that definitely work:

  1. Meditation
    • Sit at a comfortable place and close your eyes.
    • Take 3 deep breaths.
    • Inhale and exhale through your nose. (Inhale as if you’re smelling a rose and exhale as if you’re snuffing out a candle).
  2. Focus on your feet
    • Imagine you’re on a beach and want to bury your feet in the sand.
    • Curl your toes, tense them, and hold for 5-10 seconds.
    • Now, breathe in and out.
    • Repeat the same process and feel the calmness in your feet.
  3. Focus on your legs
    • Point your toes up to the sky and pull them as far back as possible.
    • Hold it for 5-10 seconds.
    • Breathe in and then out.
    • Repeat 4-5 times.
    • Pause and feel the calmness in your legs.
  4. Focus on your belly
    • Imagine your pet cat is going to jump on your belly.
    • Bend to take cover and tense the muscles in your stomach.
    • Hold it for 5-10 seconds.
    • Breathe in and breathe out.
    • Repeat it and notice how relaxed your stomach feels.
  5. Focus on your hands
    • Assume squeezing the lemon to pour all the juice out.
    • Make a tight fist by squeezing your hands together.
    • Hold it for 5-10 seconds.
    • Breathe in and breathe out.
    • Repeat it and notice the calmness in your hands.
  6. Focus on your arms
    • Now flex your arms and show them off.
    • Hold it for 5-10 seconds.
    • Breathe in and then out.
    • Repeat it and feel the calmness in your arms.
  7. Focus on your shoulders
    • Pull your shoulders up as high as possible, without hurting your body.
    • Hold it for 5-10 seconds.
    • Breathe in and then out.
    • And notice how relaxed your shoulders feel.
  8. Focus on your face
    • Open your mouth.
    • Poke your tongue out and put it on the roof of your mouth.
    • Hold it for 5-10 seconds.
    • Breathe in and breathe out.
    • Repeat the same and feel the calmness.
  9. Focus on your body
    • Take 3 deep breaths. (Inhale as if you’re smelling a rose and exhale as if you’re snuffing out a candle).
    • Now, open your eyes.
    • And notice how calm your body is.

    In conclusion, relaxation therapy diminishes stress, tension, and overthinking. It not only mends the work routine but also cultivates the personal development of an individual. We are all aware that children can achieve their futuristic goals when they are mentally relaxed. For that reason, Kangaroo Kids International Preschool emphasises muscle relaxation exercise for kids in today’s era. Keep in mind that muscle relaxation activity not only improves concentration levels but also enhances intellectual skills. Thus, you and your kids should indulge in relaxation therapy for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.