Parenting hack 101: How to teach good behaviour to your kids

Raising a kid is no simple task, and you often land up in tricky situations. They would have endless questions about the world around them. When they disapprove of something, they vocally make you know of it and argue in their squeaky little voices. However, their innocent smiles make your day alright!

An arguing toddler is an overloaded box of cuteness attracting millions of views on Instagram. However, you don’t want them to grow up into mean adults. That’s why teaching your kid good behaviour is very important.

Encouraging good behaviour is no small feat! How do you do it?

You can’t just explain to your child what is good behaviour and expect them to understand. While enforcing tough discipline is always easy, it is not very wise. Such a step might create resistance that can further fuel the roots of rude behaviour. It is always better to inspire good things in a child. The following are 15 tips parents must follow to teach their children good behaviour. Let’s dive in and see what is in store for us today.

  1. Give time and attention to your child
  2. No matter how busy you are, spend some time with your child. This will help you correct how they speak and how they should behave. Your child will soon learn how to put up good behaviour everywhere he/she goes.

  3. Make your child feel important
  4. Pay close attention to what your child says and respond accordingly. Answer all the queries with patience and kindness.  This will make him/her feel important and encourage them to open up to you. It will help you teach him/her good behaviour.

  5. Teach your toddler empathy
  6. Empathy is treating others in a way you want to be treated by them. It is like walking in someone else’s shoes. You must teach your child to try and understand how others feel. It is a great virtue that should be cultivated at a young age. Try being more vocal about your feelings. This will help your child assess how their behaviour affects you. 

  7. Set some ground rules
  8. This could be simple, like saying “Thank you” for being helped or speaking with respect. If a rule is broken, make sure there is a consequence. Your child must learn that every negative behaviour has some outcomes. This could be mild punishments like staying back at home during the weekend or no TV for a day. 

  9. Behave the way you want your kid to behave
  10. The best way to teach your child good manners is to follow them yourselves. Children watch and learn from their elders.

  11. Reward your child for good work
  12. Rewarding your child for good work helps instil good habits and encourages them to repeat the good behavioural pattern. Make sure it goes on until it becomes a part of them. Appreciate them every time they display positive behaviour. However, your reward system must not turn into a system of bribery. Then, it can have a negative impact.

  13. Always keep your word
  14. Never back down from your words, be they warnings or promises, and your child will learn to take you seriously. This means that if you promise him/her a gift, make sure you give it. Once you say it, get ready to do it no matter what.

  15. At times ignore the whinings
  16. Your child should know that your “no” means “no.” Once you decline something, don’t back off. This does not count those rare days you give in to their demands. The smiles on their faces are truly worth it. Besides, every adult deserves a cheat day!

  17. Give them small responsibilities
  18. Give your kid small responsibilities like filling up water bottles. Supervise their work and ensure that they do it properly. A responsible kid is always a disciplined kid. Rarely do they behave irresponsibly.

  19. Maintain a friendly attitude
  20. Whenever you talk to your kid, get down to their level and don’t always go for “No.” However, when you do, make sure that you stick to it. Maintain a sense of humor. Try to make things funny, but don’t do things that irritate them. Play games, laugh, and giggle with them. Try to be their best friend and keep it sweet and simple.

  21. Try to avoid tough love as much as possible
  22. It is always better to make them understand what is better and refrain from hitting your child as much as possible. Too many “don’ts,” “enough,” or “this is your last warning” can make them want to disobey you often. If you start hitting for every small matter, a defiant kid will soon stop fearing those beatings. This is a classic example of how taking up the cane spoils the child.

  23. Follow their behaviour
  24. Keep them under constant observation and try to detect signs of unfavourable behavioural elements. After detecting that, remove them as soon as possible.

  25. Be around good influences: 
  26. Encourage your child to mingle with other well-mannered kids. You can arrange playdates to make that happen.

  27. Ensure a good domestic environment
  28. Home is the first learning ground of a child. Make sure everyone in your residence behaves well and treats each other with respect. The child will catch up with the behaviour. 

  29. Read them good books

Read to them stories of great men and women who achieved success in life despite impeccable odds. This will help your child have a role model in life. This can instil a sense of honour in them and inspire them to behave well.

Your kid may not understand the importance of good behaviour right at the moment, but you know why it is virtuous. Good behaviour will create a good first impression wherever your kid goes. Yet, building up this foundation won’t be easy, but a good strategy would be to endorse professional help. This will complement your efforts to teach good things to your child and ensure a remarkable improvement in his/her behaviour.

We at Kangaroo Kids International Preschool employ trained professionals with in-depth experience in dealing with kids. Under their umbrella, your child is sure to learn many good things! To learn more about our curriculum, contact us today.