Recognising the Signs: Is Your Child Struggling in School?

Is something wrong going on with your child in the school? Have you observed that your child is trying to escape school by giving various silly reasons? If yes, there might be some problem with your child in the school. As a parent, we must try to figure out these problems, but how can we do the same?

For this, we must recognise the signs of whether our child is struggling in school. By monitoring their activities, their enthusiasm level, and several other factors. It is important for the child’s growth and learning otherwise it may have a greater impact on their lives.  So let’s move ahead and learn about these warning signs that tell us about our child’s mental health.

Why Do Students Struggle In School?

Before we get started with the warning signs, first discuss the cause behind the same. We must know what are the major problems in school due to which a child goes through this struggling phase. Here we have tried to discuss the major factors that lead to the same:

  • Different Learning Abilities: In school, there are a lot of students in one classroom. Many students find learning difficult in the schools due to the overcrowding. Some students may hesitate to ask questions in front of everyone. Due to this, the child’s understanding and learning abilities could become hampered. As a result, the student may fail to perform well in the class.
  • Teaching Style: Teachers play a crucial role in the student’s lives by guiding them in their career path. But, there are times when students face difficulties with the teacher’s teaching methods. Because of this, students fail to understand the concepts well. As a result, they might either withdraw from the specific subject or fail to perform well in the same.
  • Bullying Issues: The mental health of the child is fragile. It may get broken when they face bullying, harassment, or other issues in school. Such kinds of issues have a drastic impact on the child’s mental health and cause a ruckus in their studies.

5 Signs That Tells The Child Struggling In School

We have analysed what are the major problems in school now it is time to recognise the struggling signs. Here we have discussed the 5 major signs in detail.

  • Refuses to go to school
  • If your child was earlier excited about going to school, but now that’s not the case. Every morning there is a prepared reason for not going to school such as not feeling well. Look out for these symptoms and signs if they are occurring every day. All these symptoms point toward the problem that your child is facing some issues in school.

  • Change in academic performance
  • If your child’s academic performance has started to decline. Then you must look out for signs like whether

    • The child is facing difficulty in completing the homework.
    • He is facing issues while learning concepts.
    • His grades have declined in a particular subject or only in one subject.

    Looking out for these signs can help you as a parent in analysing the root cause of your child’s academic issues.

  • Behavioural changes
  • The child’s behaviour is the mirror of their life. If he struggles in school it can be well-analysed with changes in his behaviour. If the child has been acting weird for a few days. He gets aggressive and irritated on any topic about school, then there might be an issue with the school. Don’t take these behavioural changes easy, instead try to figure out the main cause behind the same.

    • Assessment of physical symptoms
      If a child faces problems at school they may exhibit certain physical symptoms, like
    • Their sleeping patterns change.
    • Energy levels have decreased.
    • Constant headache and stomach problems during school days.

If these symptoms are present in your child, then you must try to figure out the reason behind the same.

  • Avoid social interaction
    Symptoms like withdrawal from social groups and interactions are common nowadays. Children tend to avoid social interaction with their friends and families. This happens because they try to avoid school discussions with others. So, if your child is also exhibiting the same, then try to communicate with them with other approaches.
  • How to Support a Child With Learning Difficulties in School?

    If your child is struggling at school due to any reasons, then you must try several approaches to overcome the same. These approaches may include supporting the child emotionally and assuring them that they are being understood by us. Let us discuss some methods through which you as a parent can support your child with learning difficulties in school.

    • Communication is the key: Communication plays a major role in maintaining a child’s mental health. You must communicate with the child and their teachers on a regular basis. This helps the child to discuss any issue they are facing at school. Communicating with teachers can help us to better understand the problem’s cause.
    • Provide emotional support: Children feel secure when they get the support they need. Make them feel that they are being understood by their peers by standing by their side in this tough time. Emotional and mental support is the best way to help your child overcome such situations.
    • Seek external support: If you are stuck with these problems and don’t know where to go. Seeking external help can help you in this regard. As a parent, you must reach out to various kinds of external sources present out there. These sources include educational therapists, tutors, support groups, and community organisations. External sources can help your child to handle such situations with ease and comfort.

    If your child is going through the same, and you don’t know what to do in such circumstances. Then bring your child here at Kangaroo Kids International Preschool. Here we offer excellent teacher facilities and innovative methodologies. All these things help your child succeed and flourish in their educational journey. For admission, contact us today!