Six Essential Etiquettes Every Child Must Be Taught

“From the cradle to the grave”.

This famous proverb tells us the importance of learned behaviours in childhood. It is best to learn manners and behaviors from childhood. A child’s brain is open to new suggestions and behaviour. Parents and educators play a key role in imparting positive etiquette to children.

Importance of teaching Manners and etiquette to children

Developing good manners and etiquette for children promotes positive social relationships. Teaching children manners and etiquette is important. They learn it faster than adults. It is never too late to start. In a fast-paced world, while juggling with work, don’t forget to teach them the basics. This will help you, as well as them. Don’t think that you can lecture the child about manners and etiquette.

First, you set the standard. Practicing helps better than preaching. Second, even while you play with them try to impart the words, ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’. So that they can understand these words are inevitable and learn about consent. Third, the school plays a major part. Educators teach manners and etiquette to your children. When they learn with their friends, they learn it fast.

Let us look at some basic etiquette for children.

Introducing oneself

Before rushing to teach your child the alphabet, letters, or countries, let us start from the basics. Teach your child to introduce themselves. Everyone who encounters your child will ask for their name, let them speak out their names, and may even offer a handshake. Greeting others is the first step to respecting oneself and others. Introducing oneself remains one of the basic etiquettes for children.

Asking permission

Teaching your kids to ask for permission before taking things that do not belong to them is very important. Each individual is different. Everyone may not like others taking their possessions, even if it is a cute little child. This behaviour helps children even when they get old. Asking permission or consent of others is a major step in respecting each other.

Table Manners

Table manners is a quintessential skill. Teach them the basics of it. Like coming to the table with clean hands and face. You should stay seated and sit up straight. Should not talk while chewing. Saying ‘thank you’ to the host and offering to help, like cleaning the table after the meal. Now, it has become a routine for children to watch screens while having their food. Try to avoid screen time while eating. Parents should also not use their devices either on the table.

Covering a cough or sneeze

The advent of COVID-19 made us all wear masks. It is important to make them understand this. They should cover their nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing. It is rude to pick your nose in public, too. Mostly, kids do look up to elders and study their mannerisms. Be mindful.


“Sharing is Caring.” You might have heard this phrase often. Teach your child the basics of sharing by giving their toys to their peers. This enhances their socialization skill. You can teach them this while playing with them. This behaviour will stay with them while they grow up, too.

Respecting others

Respecting others is key. This includes those of any caste, creed, or religion. Kids should be mindful of this. Educators and parents should act as an example for their kids to develop this habit.

Role of Parents

Who do you think your kids look up to? They look up to you as idols. You are the best teacher they can ever have. Be mindful that you are being watched by your replica. Practice these manners and etiquette in your life. If they question you back, you should have an answer.

How can parents teach children accepted mannerisms? You should praise your child when he/she says thank you or when greets someone. Set an example for them. Keep the children informed about where you are going and how to behave there. Most importantly, accept the fact that they are just small kids. And keep your expectations age-appropriate. Don’t expect your child to behave like a mature adult. They are learning. Make them understand the importance. Do this through casual talks and dinner conversations. Teach them empathy and compassion.

Importance of teaching etiquette in schools

School is the second home of children. Schools play a major role in developing social skills among children. After parents, educators are teaching etiquette in schools. Children tend to learn things quickly when they learn together. Teaching etiquette in schools helps children to imbibe it faster. School paves a platform for children to practice.

Teachers also stand as role models for children. Teachers’ polite behavior and the way they greet students set an example. They also use role play to teach kids basic manners. The lunch breaks with the teachers also serve as a time for teaching good table manners.

Learning etiquette and manners promises a better citizen in the future. Children might tend to forget these manners now and then. You must remind them and correct their behaviours.

At Kangaroo Kids International Preschool, we impart positive manners and etiquette to children. To learn more about our education approach, contact us today!