Wholesome and Yummy: Top 10 Healthy Snacks for Kids

Hello parents! Welcome to our blog, today we are discussing one of the most common problems among children: snacks for kids. Kids are often choosy eaters and they can turn their noses up at something that seems “healthy”. And finding healthy snacks for your young ones can be a daunting task. But we’re here to provide you with a solution to overcome this struggle. We have covered ten healthy snacks for kids that act as a way to keep them satisfied and energised. With the right blend of flavours and a bit of creativity, you can offer snacks that are both nutritious and scrumptious.

Advantages of Healthy Snacks for Kids

Healthy Snacks have many benefits for kids:

  • Nutrient Supply: These snacks for children provide them with vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fibres.
  • Promotes Healthy Eating Habits: Introducing them to healthy snacks at a young age, helps establish lifelong habits for nutritious food
  • Energy: These nutrient-dense snacks provide them with a steady source of energy throughout the day.
  • Boosts Immune System: These balanced snacks help promote a robust immune system, and help kids fight off illness and infections more easily.

10 Best Snacks for Kids

We’ve tried to curate a list of the top 10 healthy snacks for kids, along with their recipes, to please your pickiest eater. Have a look: 

  1. Fruits
  2. Fruits should be on top of the list. They have a natural sweetness and are full of vitamins and can be found in different types that are ideal as healthy snacks for kids. You could either mix several fruits together or just give them one or two depending on their preference.

    Recipe: One of the simplest recipes is making fruit kabobs. Cut up all your fruits into chunks. Then put chunks onto sticks.

  3. Yogurt
  4. Yogurt is a good source of calcium and protein. It is one of the perfect healthy snacks for kids when they need a quick bite.  You can opt for plain or flavoured yoghurt depending on their palate taste.

    Recipes: Take plain yoghurt and add mixed berries, granola, honey or maple syrup. Garnish it with mint leaves.

  5. Smoothies
  6. Smoothies are a great source to provide a lot of nutrients in a single serving. This is one of the most versatile healthy snacks for kids due to the fact that you can exchange the components based on what you have reachable.

    Recipes: Blend up some fruits and spinach in a splash of milk or juice. You can also add honey, yoghurt or nuts based on your preference.

  7. Nuts and Dried Fruits
  8. Nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts are all fantastic choices as kids healthy snacks. This can be their go-to snack. But make sure they aren’t allergic to certain nuts, and be mindful of portions as they are calorie-dense.

    Recipe: Add a cup of mixed nuts, dried fruits, rolled oats, and honey. Also, you can add vanilla extract and chocolate chips for extra flavour.

  9. Popcorn
  10. This air-popped and lightly salted snack is a wholesome choice of healthy snacks for kids. It is whole grain, so healthy and is fun to eat for children.

    Recipe: To popcorn add peanut butter, honey, dark chocolate chips, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt.

  11. Eggs
  12. Eggs are a good source of protein and are easy to make. They are simple, nutritious, and healthy snacks for kids.

    Recipe: You can make egg muffins to make them more presentable for kids. Take eggs, add ¼ cup of milk, vegetables, cheese, salt and pepper. Bake it in a muffin tin.

  13. Veggie Skewers
  14. This is the one thing from which your children run away the most. However, making them in interesting shapes and pairing them with a tasty tip, makes it a success even with kids who typically keep away from vegetables.

    Recipe:  Cut vegetables of your choice in different shapes using a cookie cutter. Arrange with a stick. Serve it with a yoghurt dip or hummus.

  15. Homemade Granola Bars
  16. Children love granola bars, but store-bought may be loaded with sugar and preservatives. Making your very own domestic lets you control what is going into them.

    Recipe: Add oats, a bit of honey, nuts, and dried fruits in a chocolate mould or any other rectangle box. Keep them dry out.

  17. Whole Wheat Pizza
  18. Pizza is always on the priority list for kids. But it always makes you concerned about its health benefits. But through this recipe, you can go for a healthier take on pizza.

    Recipe: Take a mini whole wheat base. Top it with sauce, veggies, and toppings. Add a little bit of cheese and bake it until the cheese melts.

  19. Veggie Chips
  20. Children are always tempted with market-bought chips. You can make a healthy alternative for this with a tasty way to sneak in some veggies. They are also gluten-free.

    Recipe: Cut thin slices of vegetables and bake them until crispy. Add seasoning according to your choice.

Tips for Making Healthy Snacks for Kids

Here are a few tips to help you:

  • Get Them Involved: Let your children be part of the kitchen activities. Educate them on what they gain from the items used.
  • Keep It Colourful: Children eat with their eyes first. A colourful plate is more appealing.
  • Mix and Fit: Mix different food groups to keep it interesting like pairing fruits with dairy products or vegetables.

Getting the right healthy snacks for kids may require some trial and error. Every child is different, one child’s taste may be very different from another’s hence what works best for one may not be suitable for another. The key is to keep trying new things. This way you will be able to ensure that your children have a balanced diet without compromising taste or enjoyment. Join us at Kangaroo Kids International Preschool where learning is a fun-filled adventure that promotes the physical, emotional, and cognitive development of your child. Register now so that your child can have a healthy future ahead.